Child First Aid Course (CFAC)

Trying to help an injured or seriously unwell child can be frightening and difficult if you don’t know what to do. This course teaches you how to cope with injuries that commonly happen to children. It also discusses how to identify and deal with serious illness and life-threatening medical emergencies.

The Child First Aid Course (CFAC) is accredited by the Ministry of Social and Family Development (MSF) and by the National First Aid Council (NFAC) of Singapore. This course is designed for those who work at child care centres and kindergartens, and for those who are responsible for the care and well being of infants and young children.

Participants will learn about common childhood emergencies, health and safety matters specific to infants and children, and first aid for infants and children. The course will be conducted over 3 days. Recertification courses will be conducted over 2 days. Participants will receive a CFAC certificate, valid for 2 years.

Course Objectives

The course emphasises practical skills in an interesting, interactive learning environment. By successfully completing this course, you will:

  • Enable to meet the Early Childhood and Development Agency (ECDA) requirements for First Aid training.
  • Provide with the necessary knowledge in identifying and managing victims during an emergency.
  • Equip with the skills in rendering First Aid when accidents occur.
  • Activate Emergency Medical Services, perform CPR and apply the AED effectively and safely on victims to ensure optimal chances of survival.
  • Child-specific contents such as hazard identification, HFMD and other common child ailments.

Course Outline

  • Principles and Practice of First Aid
  • Breathing Difficulties
  • Wounds, Bleeding and Other Circulatory Problems
  • Unconsciousness
  • Fracture and Soft Tissue Injuries
  • Burns and Heat Disorders
  • Child/Infant Emergencies and Handling/Transporting

Training Methodology

  • In lecture
  • Practical Sessions
  • Presentation
  • Short videos
  • Language in English & Mandarin

Mode Of Course Assessment

  • Practical Assessment on CPR+AED and bandaging
  • Theory Assessment (MCQs)
  • 100% course attendance to be eligible for practical assessment


  • Able to understand, read and write English.
  • Pregnant participants are discouraged from taking the CPR practical sessions for safety reasons.
  • Participants does not have any history of medical heart and lung conditions or any physical disabilities OR problems such as knee, spinal or joint injury.

Course Duration

  • 3 days (20 Hours)


  • Certificate will be valid for 24 months.

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